Thursday, August 1, 2013

Welcome to My Kitchen

     Knowing full well that I am arriving beyond fashionably late to this blogging party, I nevertheless invite you into my kitchen.  No matter whose home I am in, I always find the kitchen to be my favorite room.  My hope is that all who enter my own home feel the same about my sacred space.

     When I was growing up, I quickly learned that if I wanted to spend any time at all with the women in my family then I would have to join them in the kitchen.  I come from a long line of locally renowned home cooks and cherish the memories I have of cooking with my grandmother and my great aunt.  Both my mother and my aunt are also amazing cooks in their own right.  So very many of the recipes I use come from these women.  While none of us would claim to be inventive in the kitchen in terms of creating recipes from scratch, I can say that we possess the strong gift of discernment.  We are able to easily figure out how viable a recipe is and what it will take to perfect it and consequently we spend hours in the kitchen doing just that!  Sometimes it is an added ingredient or two and sometimes we rely entirely on techniques we have picked up from each other or from somewhere else along the way.

    It is here, in this space, that I will share my treasured finds and the ways that I make them my own.  I invite you to pull up a seat and join me in my kitchen.


  1. A beautiful introduction! I can't wait to see more!

  2. Oh! I'm so excited to be in your kitchen. Now, hm, what recipe will you cook up first?

  3. Thank you to both of my sweet Angela friends for the encouragement!
